In Memoriam: Dr. Bob Schreiber

Ever since I met the psychiatrists of Redwood Place, I knew I had access to a very rare resource—psychiatrists trained not only in dishing out medicine, but also in talk therapy.

A staple of Psychiatry in the East Bay, Dr. Schreiber dedicated his time and effort to working with some of the most difficult populations: troubled children and adults with trauma, mental health issues and/or a developmental disability. He always took the time to talk to each of his clients individually outside of clinical meetings. He had a warmth, allowing him to speak of difficult issues so that even the most resistant client felt at ease.

The clients loved him and the staff loved him too, including me. His annual invitation to the river was a highlight for all Redwood Place staff. We would bond over mosquitos, hikes, freshly cooked food provided mostly by Mary Lu and Bob, and the fire, which Dr. Schreiber would build himself—chopping the wood, tenderly ensuring that we would be warm at night as we sipped our drinks and chatted.

You would be hard pressed to find a kinder man. Dr. Schreiber, you will be sorely missed.

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